Dancing in the Street in Bratunac, Bosnia and Herzegovina August 2022 (TCFT/Take P-Art Erasmus +)
This is Opera Circus’ long term international youth arts programme which began in Srebrenica in 2008. See the TCFT website for further information.
We have come to a natural pause in the work due to the loss of the funding from Erasmus + thanks to the idiocy of Brexit.
Robert Golden film maker, photographer and the person who always gives us the other side of the story, the one that we miss because we’re in the project, is in the process of making a documentary called Belonging/Becoming. 35 interviews, with young people between the ages of 11 and 35, from 16 different cultures between April and October 2022.
This short film was made to share the work of Termokiss in Sarajevo in May 2022 as the final screening of the Izazov films from the Changing the Story project.