By Laura Fatini
(Texts from “Letters to a German Friend” by Camus 1943 -1944 adapted)
Director/Lighting Design: Laura Fatini
Actor: Francesco Pipparelli
Composer/Sound Design/Musician: Luca Mauceri
Production Manager: Redi Asabella
Set Design: Maura Fastelli
Photographs: Robert Golden
“I love my country too much to be a nationalist.” Camus
“Europe is the land where the most astonishing adventures of the human spirit have been going on for twenty centuries, and the privileged arena where Western humanity struggles against the world, the gods, themselves, and reaches its climax today.”
Laura Fatini, writer, director, teacher, philosopher has studied and read Camus since she was at University. These texts were chosen for one of 16 events to be held on Europe Day in Italy, 2024. She adapted the 4 letters of Albert Camus for an actor, Francesco Pipparelli, in his first soliloquy, and musician, Luca Mauceri, an experienced extremely talented multi-instrumentalist, composer and actor.
The performance was held in the small Tuscan town of Sarteano, where TCFT held one of its major youth arts residencies in 2017 and where we have partnered in friendship and as a company ever since.

“It is a magnificent land of pain and history. These are common paths in the West: the roses in the cloisters of Florence, the golden domes of Krakow, the twisted statues of Charles Bridge over the Ultava and the refined gardens of Salzburg.”

“And through the din of violence, we tried in our hearts the memory of a calming sea, of a hill never forgotten, the smile of a beloved face. Surely this was our best weapon, the one we would never lay down. Because the day we lose it, we will be as dead as you”

The play was also performed in Forli, Italy in Emilia-Romagna on the 19th May as part of #EYELocal, the first European Youth Event in Italy, organized by @puntoeuropa di Forlì and which is part of the project activities #YEUF to promote the European Elections 2024. Further dates to be announced.