Fedora Opera Prize and a New Vision


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Fedora Opera Prize and a New Vision

Good morning everyone…Francesco Pipparelli, social media campaign director, and Opera Circus have had a fascinating couple of weeks building our votes for Naciketa as part of our bid to win the Fedora Opera Prize. It has been a challenge but this is the start of a whole new social media identity for the company, Opera Circus UK, and the future of this beautiful new opera.

Why opera? Why this story in particular? Why does it matter?

From now till the first tour starts in May 2021 we will be sharing our stories, in blogs, short films, podcasts and opening the door to the inspiration that is Nigel Osborne, the composer, the ultimate Artist as Citizen and what Activism in Art is and why it matters.

Our story is about how we treat children in the world and basing our journey on the Children’s version of the Convention of the Rights of the Child

“Every child has the right to be alive and be protected from violence and abuse.”

Why are the arts so important? Why is music at the centre of nearly all of our lives?

“…music can take you to the edge of infinity and allow you to imagine what might be beyond…”

Please follow us and be part of this journey Thank you to everyone who has supported us so far.

Huge thanks to Robert Golden for our company’s life time of fabulous images, photographs and film.

Photographs from Opera Circus’ past productions. More to come when we can dig them out of the archives.