Robert Golden has been filming and photographing with Opera Circus since 1991. All the films from 1991 till around 2004 are on old formats which one day we will transfer and relive the global touring we did with Kill Me I Love You, Shameless, King Stag and Cat Man’s Tale.
We have created a Vimeo Channel so all the films that are accessible can be found in one place. They include much of the work we did in Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina and extracts of Nigel Osborne’s chamber opera Differences in Demolition and work in progress on the current opera, Naciketa.
It also includes all the films that have been made about The Complete Freedom of Truth, the International Youth Arts Programme in the UK and Europe.
We will continue to upload other films as and when they become available.
This is the beginning of the slow transformation of the way in which Opera Circus’ work over the last 27 years will be made available on line or in a cloud, to create a new sustainable way of working which will share our learning and our work.
We have been taught by working with the highest quality of artist/ film maker/ photographer that the high standards we expect in our performances and teaching should extend to the images we share with the world. Everything reflects on the quality and sensitivity of our creativity, words spoken to me many years ago during a meeting with Peter Brook in Paris. Poor photography and amateurish videos do no-one any good and do not enhance the quality of work we all want to achieve.
We should honor all art forms, if we don’t no-one else will.
Tina Ellen Lee
Artistic Director