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Dr Nela Antonovic and her theatre company Teater Mimart have been partners with Opera Circus and its work with young people since 2009. A highly respected and courageous company which has contributed greatly to the work of The Complete Freedom of Truth, (TCFT) the international youth arts programme founded in Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is Mimart’s 40th year working in theatre and activism. Many congratulations.

40 years of perseverance

In 2024, Mimart Theater celebrates four decades of existence. It is one of the first alternative research theaters in the former Yugoslavia, which was created in 1984 in Belgrade, on the informal stage of the Student Cultural Center. Founder, artistic director and choreographer Nela Antonović and her collaborators have been exploring the possibilities and limits of physical theater through movement and interdisciplinarity for forty years. Through an open work process and many years of practice, about eighty plays and over six hundred performances were created in the production of Mimart. The original Mimart method was developed, a practicum for the creation of artistic interdisciplinary works: from performances, through street theater and processions in the cities of Serbia and abroad through the animation of citizens, artistic solo performances and festivals, to application in non-theatre areas for education, as a contribution to the development of European contemporary theater performance practices. Since 2009, Mimart has participated in a large number of European projects and cultural programs until now.

June 3, 2024. MIMART 40 / “GODOVI”

The project “Years” begins the celebration of the Jubilee of four decades of work in the Student Cultural Center, the place where a group of artists gathered in 1984 in research workshops with the artist Nela Antonović and performed the first performance “Urbis Ludus”. Years represent the truth about duration, they are a symbol of totality, and the tree is a manifestation of the whole. We found the name in Nela Antonović’s first book “Mimart godovi”*.
The immersive performative exhibition “Years” is a series of impressions of earlier works and phenomena that we investigated, sent a step forward through an unconventional route of interdisciplinary. An innovative approach to the analysis of artefacts using the random sample method, with mentoring and the setting of new approaches to concepts within the framework of the challenges of the present, creates an open-form performance, which will contribute to the atmosphere of the happening. The audience interactively passes through the gallery, where the exhibits are actors who synergistically create the show through the parallel performance of the SPOT performance. In today’s digital age, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a necessary tool for business optimization, systematization of artifacts. From the large number of photographs owned by the Mimart Theater, 1% of stage and guest photos were algorithmically selected, which will be placed as one of the installations, from the exposed theater segments where the performers are hosts.
Lidija Antonović, Artistic Coordinator of Mimart

40 godina istrajnosti

Teatar Mimart u 2024. godini obeležava četiri decenije postojanja. Jedno je od prvih alternativnih istraživačkih pozorišta u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, koje je nastalo 1984. godine u Beogradu, na neformalnoj sceni Studentskog kulturnog centra. Osnivač, umetnički vođa i koreorediteljka Nela Antonović sa svojim saradnicima već četrdeset godina istražuje mogućnosti i granice fizičkog teatra kroz pokret i interdisciplinarnost. Kroz otvoren proces rada i dugogodišnju praksu kreirano je oko osamdeset predstava i preko šest stotina performansa u produkciji Mimarta. Razvijen je originalni metod Mimart, praktikum za kreiranje umetničkih interdisciplinarnih dela: od predstava, preko uličnog teatra i procesija u gradovima Srbije i inostranstva kroz animaciju građana, umetničkih solo performansa i festivala, do primene u vanpozorišne oblasti za edukaciju, kao doprinos razvoju evropske savremene pozorišne izvođačke prakse. Od 2009 godine Mimart učestvuje u velikom broju evropskih projekata i programima kulture do sada.

3.jun 2024. MIMART 40 / “GODOVI”

Projektom “Godovi” počinje obeležavanje Jubileja četiri decenije rada u Studentskom kulturnom centru, mestu gde se grupa umetnika okupila 1984. godine u istraživačkim radionicama sa umetnicom Nelom Antonović i izvela prvu predstavu “Urbis Ludus”. Godovi predstavljaju istinu o trajanju, simbol su sveukupnosti, a drvo je manifestacija u celini. Naziv smo pronašli u prvoj knjizi Nele Antonović „Mimart godovi“*. Imverzivna performativna izložba “Godovi” je niz utisaka ranijih radova i fenomena koje smo istraživali, poslatih korak unapred kroz nekonvencijalnu rutu interdisciplinarnog. Inovativni pristup analize artefakata metodom slučajnog uzorka uz mentorstvo i postavku novih pristupa koncepata u okvire izazova sadašnjice, kreira predstavu otvorene forme, što će doprineti atmosferi hepeninga. Publika interaktivno prolazi kroz galeriju, gde su eksponati akteri koji kroz paralelno izvođenje SPOT performansa sinergetski kreiraju predstavu. U današnjem digitalnom dobu, veštačka inteligencija (AI) postaje neophodan alat za optimizaciju poslovanja, sistematizaciju artefakata. Od velikog broja fotografija koje poseduje Teatar Mimart algoritamski je odabrano 1% fotografija sa scene i gostovanja, koje će biti postavljene kao jedna od instalacija, od izloženih pozorišnih segmenata gde su performeri domaćini.
Lidija Antonović, umetnički koordinator Mimarta