Opera Circus

Opera Circus is a music theatre and chamber opera company which works locally and globally. Our work covers new music theatre and chamber opera productions and performances. We work with long term youth arts programmes in the UK and Wider Europe, projects exploring the use of Music for Health and Well Being, and local music programmes around our home base in West Dorset. We support local schools with Edible Gardens, Music workshops and concerts and larger community and wellbeing programmes. All of our work is developed and delivered with artists and partners both locally and globally. Tolerance, inclusiveness, deeper learning, kindness and an understanding of others is at the heart of our creative process.


Dr Nela Antonovic and her theatre company Teater Mimart have been partners with Opera Circus and its work with young people since 2009. A highly

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Talking to the Enemy at the Heart of Europe

By Laura Fatini (Texts from “Letters to a German Friend” by Camus 1943 -1944 adapted) Director/Lighting Design: Laura Fatini Actor: Francesco Pipparelli Composer/Sound Design/Musician: Luca Mauceri Production Manager: Redi Asabella Set

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Dr Nela Antonovic and her theatre company Teater Mimart have been partners with Opera Circus and its work with young people since 2009. A highly

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Dr Nela Antonovic and her theatre company Teater Mimart have been partners with Opera Circus and its work with young people since 2009. A highly respected and courageous company

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Talking to the Enemy at the Heart of Europe

By Laura Fatini (Texts from “Letters to a German Friend” by Camus 1943 -1944 adapted) Director/Lighting Design: Laura Fatini Actor: Francesco Pipparelli Composer/Sound Design/Musician: Luca Mauceri Production Manager: Redi Asabella

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Arts And Humanity

Do small arts organisations like ours who have been around for over 30 years still have the need to continue? Artists, the majority freelance, keep creating till they drop, and often living on or below the poverty line, are driven by the overwhelming imperative to keep creating, and to keep striving for social justice because of that unfathomable gene inside us that won’t be silent. And where is the Ego in all this, both of the individual and the organisation?

We will shortly be adding details of our work with young people in 2023-2024. Without Erasmus we are looking to raise funding from a variety of new sources.

Any thoughts or ideas please contact admin@operacircusuk.com

More information soon.

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